Saturday, November 03, 2007
Penne Del Goloso

Print PDF of recipe here.

Recipe courtesy of Executive Chef Allan Daly, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line

Serves 4

12 oz penne pasta
2 oz sliced zucchini
2 oz prosciutto, cut into strips
2 oz gorgonzola cheese
3 oz white wine
6 oz bechamel sauce
1 oz onion, finely diced (I used one small)
1 oz chopped garlic
1 oz chopped basil
3 oz cream
2 oz olive oil
salt, pepper to taste

Heat olive oil in pan and slowly cook onions and garlic without color. Add prosciutto, zucchini and cook until prosciutto is crispy. Add gorgonzola, mix well. Add wine, stir until gorgonzola is dissolved. Add cream and white sauce, bring to a boil and cook until creamy in consistency. Mix in pasta until hot, add basil and season as required.

P.S. If you want to skip the bechamel step (I did), just add in heavy cream and about a half-teaspoon of flour to thicken it a bit. Worked like a charm.

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